Design For All: Gastherausgeber 2017
Auf Einladung von Dr. Sunil Bhatia werde ich als Gastherausgeber den Issue #1/ 2017 des Design For All Institute of India betreuen. Das Institut wurde 207 von Dr. Suni Bhatia gegründet. Hier ein Auszug aus dem Mission Statement:
Design for All Institute Of India is a self financed, non-profit voluntary organization which seeks corporate and public partnership in order to carry forward its very ambitious agenda of pro-actively building bridges of social inclusion between the design community and all other groups whose activities can be positively influenced by a coherent application of design methodology. Design for All means creating products, services and systems to cater to the widest possible range of users’ requirements. We initiated the concept and have received enormous encouragement from domestic as well as International communities.